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Fired for closing the biggest deal ever!

Fired for closing the biggest deal ever! 150 150 Intely Tech

Have you heard the story about the sales guy who closed the biggest deal in his company’s history only to be fired the next week? Here’s how it goes. A sales guy at a major tech company is working on a single deal throughout the year. His management supports him throughout the lean quarters. Towards…

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Google trick

Google trick 150 150 Intely Tech

Neat little Google hack to find just about anything. Startup tools, VC, Salaries, Influencers … Find these and other useful stuff by searching for anything in public spreadsheets. e.g. Replace “ROI” with any other term like TCO, VC, Salaries etc. Credit to Steph Smith – her original tweet is here.

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LinkedIn selling – a buyer’s perspective

LinkedIn selling – a buyer’s perspective 150 150 Intely Tech

LinkedIn is a great platform to connect with others But most sales people use it for “automated cold calling” I’ve been that sales guy – and I’ve been a buyer – here’s my perspective. The general approach is to reach out to connect. & send a message detailing your service & ask for a meeting.…

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Sometimes, grit means giving up?

Sometimes, grit means giving up? 150 150 Intely Tech

“Sometimes the best kind of grit is gritting your teeth & packing your bags.” Adam Grant Reads like one of those Monday Demotivational Posters. But it isn’t: “’Never give up’ doesn’t mean keep doing the thing that’s failing.” “It means don’t get locked down into one narrow path.” These and many other gems in a…

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Remote working – productivity hack

Remote working – productivity hack 150 150 Intely Tech

Working remotely can be exhausting. Especially with back-to-back meetings. Here’s a hack that has helped me cope. At the start of every meeting – as soon as I join – I’ll crack a joke. Some people would giggle and some not – it’s slightly difficult to gauge the audience’s reaction when the cameras are turned…

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Perception > Reality

Perception > Reality 150 150 Intely Tech

Some jobs are thankless. You get noticed only when you drop the ball. Sound familiar? In conversations with CIOs, I’d ask about what success means to them – and then their KPIs The CIOs aspirations would be about impacting business – e.g. adding more digital revenue streams. Their reporting metrics would be around budget &…

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CRM – change management

CRM – change management 150 150 Intely Tech

Cobras, British colonists, CRM & KPIs. The British colonists tried to reduce the snake population in India and offered bounties for dead cobras. The local population started to breed cobras to kill them & get the bounty. The colonists discovered this & scrapped the bounty forcing the breeders to release their now worthless cobras –…

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Client retention – a tricky situation

Client retention – a tricky situation 150 150 Intely Tech

When costs need to be optimized, the first two things that get cut are training & consultancy. Guess how your service is treated internally for budgeting. One of my CIO clients shared the above with me as part of his views on cost-optimization – just a few months before the contract renewal! A global pandemic…

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Are salespeople becoming obsolete?

Are salespeople becoming obsolete? 150 150 Intely Tech

Digital self-serve is here to stay and the product/service price isn’t that much of a factor anymore. “Despite the conventional wisdom that big ticket sales require in-person contact, 20 percent of B2B buyers said they would be willing to spend more than $500,000 in a fully remote/digital sales model. And 11 percent of all B2B…

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Cold calls – everyone hates them

Cold calls – everyone hates them 150 150 Intely Tech

As a salesperson, what’re your thoughts about cold calling? Surely, no one loves cold calling people – right? I interviewed a number of salespeople the past couple of months in North America and I posed this question to understand what drives them. One and thankfully only one candidate said that he loves cold calling and…

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Sales – the need for change

Sales – the need for change 150 150 Intely Tech

How is the process of selling/business development different now compared to pre-pandemic times? Or is it the same? I spoke with a very experienced sales professional earlier this week to catch up. We had joined Microsoft in telesales at roughly the same time, ~15 years ago. One of his statements got me thinking about the…

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Selling doesn't have to be a dirty word

Selling doesn’t have to be a dirty word

Selling doesn’t have to be a dirty word 1024 581 Intely Tech

This is the first of a short series of posts. I have a confession to make – I have probably made every mistake in the sales playbook that is to make and more. In 2017, the nature of my work changed from being a seller to a software consultant and more recently has involved buying…

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