Growing (through) Your Customer Base
Lowest CAC | Profitable Growth | High Retention
What Percentage of Your Revenue is through Client Referrals & Expansion? How is that trending month on month, quarter on quarter, year on year?
Virtuous Cycle of Value
each client acquisition powering your revenue generation manifold
01 - Deliver
Deliver Product or Service (Technical) either as part of original scope or upsell or cross-sell opportunity. Minimum baseline is fit for cost & function.
04 - Communicate
Communicate (Sales | CS) to key champion(s) and to all other stakeholders such as CEO, CFO, CxO
02 - Capture
Capture Value (Technical | CS | Sales) in terms of (a) Time saved (Time), (b) Enhanced customer experience (CX), (c) Risk mitigated (Risk), (d) Revenue generated
03 - Validate
Validate captured value (Client) by capture their statements & getting their approval to incorporate them in business cases
Monetizing ``Delivered Value`` is a Team Sport
KPIs Drive Behaviors
Track “aha” moment + Cohort analysis + Triggers for Review & Reference
Customer Success
The Virtuous Value Cycle
Bright Spots + Industry Insights + Distribution
Whitespace Mapping + Stakeholder Mapping + Industry Trends