• March 19, 2021

Cold calls – everyone hates them

Cold calls – everyone hates them

Cold calls – everyone hates them 150 150 Intely Tech

As a salesperson, what’re your thoughts about cold calling?

Surely, no one loves cold calling people – right?

I interviewed a number of salespeople the past couple of months in North America and I posed this question to understand what drives them.

One and thankfully only one candidate said that he loves cold calling and we had to have “really dude?” kind of conversation.

Most of them termed it as part of the job that simply has to be done.

So, the next logical question was about their secret that helped them sustain the same energy in the last call of the day as they have in the first.

After the same joke about caffeine, we got down to the crux of it.

Some people can power through the tough times because they can visualize the end-goal and that’s enough for them.

Others need to enjoy the journey in order do their best work.

The trick then, is to be able to enjoy the challenges that life/work throw your way - a puzzle to solve.

As for cold-calling, the best response that I’ve heard is that the high of actually connecting with someone whose problems you can genuinely solve makes up for the depressing onslaught of rejection.

What’re your thoughts about cold calls either as a salesperson or someone who receives them?