• May 24, 2021

Sometimes, grit means giving up?

Sometimes, grit means giving up?

Sometimes, grit means giving up? 150 150 Intely Tech

“Sometimes the best kind of grit is gritting your teeth & packing your bags.”

Adam Grant

Reads like one of those Monday Demotivational Posters.

But it isn’t:

“’Never give up’ doesn’t mean keep doing the thing that’s failing.”

“It means don’t get locked down into one narrow path.”

These and many other gems in a recent 15-minute TED@BCG video by Adam Grant.

It made me think of when I shut down a business only a year after starting it.

It was a fintech startup – a consumer app to help individuals keep track of their expenses with monetization through anonymized data.

On paper, it made perfect sense. Whoever I shared the idea with, wanted to be a part of it.

My partner & I launched the MVP and continued to pump our own money for dev & some low-key marketing.

But the consumer expectations coupled with the OCR tech immaturity at that time made me realize that we’d be fighting a losing battle for a very long time & burning too much cash.

I learnt some great lessons from that experience – some that I continue to put to use and share in my consulting engagements.

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