“Sometimes the best kind of grit is gritting your teeth & packing your bags.”
Adam Grant
Reads like one of those Monday Demotivational Posters.
But it isn’t:
“’Never give up’ doesn’t mean keep doing the thing that’s failing.”
“It means don’t get locked down into one narrow path.”
These and many other gems in a recent 15-minute TED@BCG video by Adam Grant.
It made me think of when I shut down a business only a year after starting it.
It was a fintech startup – a consumer app to help individuals keep track of their expenses with monetization through anonymized data.
On paper, it made perfect sense. Whoever I shared the idea with, wanted to be a part of it.
My partner & I launched the MVP and continued to pump our own money for dev & some low-key marketing.
But the consumer expectations coupled with the OCR tech immaturity at that time made me realize that we’d be fighting a losing battle for a very long time & burning too much cash.
I learnt some great lessons from that experience – some that I continue to put to use and share in my consulting engagements.
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